Triple jeopardy!
Georgia Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene begins teeing up her plans to oust the Current Speaker of the House Mike Johnson over more aid money to Ukraine.
Given the icy climate of late from out of Washington, D.C. and in fact the United States House of Representatives you'd be forgiven for thinking that we're headed for yet another Speaker of the House vote again; real, real soon!
And as the stakes around this latest squabble get higher and higher with, apparently, continued funding and aide to Ukraine and their efforted War against Russia hanging in the balance one has to wonder if Congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene will live to see tomorrow or will we be evermore closer to Speaker of the House Hakeem Jeffries?
I for one, pray not, but whatever the path or station in life that one must trod then, by all means, trod it and, "be not afraid or dismayed" to do so.
I strongly admire the Congresswoman's faith and stance on this and countless other issues, but in practicality it all remains to be seen as to whethet or not what she seeks is even feasible much less dependable.
For instance she contends that House Speaker Mike Johnson is just more of the same, it seems, like that of now former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy of California who over promised, but way under delivered, and for his deal making and backslapping with the Democrats (and for personal reasons I agreed he needed to be got gone) and was ousted, oddly enough by both Republicans and Democrats in the House of Representatives last year.
And his deal making and backslapping with the Democrats and Republicans In Name Only (RINOs) was by design really.
Because all Kevin ever really wanted was just to be Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. Collect his check. Retire, eventually, and go back home to Bakersfield, CA. USA and live out the rest of his days accordingly.
And that was from his days in the New Republican Majority in the House and the 'Young Guns' moniker that he and the likes of Congressmen Eric Cantor and Congressman Paul Ryan cooked up and proudly bore! The young and hungries, the up and comers. The social climbers of old, but with a brash and bold twist. Remember?
But the only one of the bunch then that had any real staying power was former Wisconsin Congressman and a Once and former Speaker of the House himself Paul Ryan, right? Janesville, WI. USA's own, right? Mr. Janesville.
What Paul Ryan was for politics, good or bad, it would be like if Abraham Lincoln and say Jack Kemp got together and had a couple of sons, lets just say, and named um; Paul Ryan and Will Wheaton, that kid from the film "Stand by Me" and "Star Trek: Next Generation" ... yeah! That one. That would be how things would turn out. Despite Will Wheaton's political differences of opinion. I mean every family has gotta have a; Ron Reagan or an Eric Swalwell bad boy type in it somewhere, right?
But that's the kind of staying power that Paul Ryan had, from 2015 to 2019 on, really. That Jack Kemp Charm, Paul Ryan's Mentor and Friend, mixed in with Wisconsin Nice, and you've got yourself the makings of some mighty fine stock.
But his other two young guns cohorts, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy, didn't fair so well.
I mean Cantor had good-enough runs in the Congress as both Minority and Majority Leader. And McCarthy roughly the same. But all in all meteoric, kinda meh, at best. And yet all a that Young Guns hype and the New Conservative Majority-Minority bit. Why when it was really their once and former colleague Paul Ryan that clearly held all the promise?
But then again Mr. P90x did have it going on back in the day, right!?
At the present moment in time though the GOP doesn't have such leadership any longer. But they do have prospects, and a team from which to rebuild and rebrand on.
Personally, I don't think that the GOP could go wrong with appointing a Woman the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives. And I can think of two such women or both women rather who are already in leadership positions within the House GOP Caucus right now, and that's Washington State Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers and a Lady thats got more brass in her than a Kansas City Fire Engine has got on it and that's Sweet Ms. Virginia Foxx of North Carolina.
These ladies, in particular Mrs. McMorris-Rodgers, have been doing the job of public servitude and then some for a lotta years and have been repeatedly passed over, for the most part, for much more substantive roles and positions within the GOP. So either one or both are overdue for the just reward of Speaker of the House, and would, I believe, be quite the yin to the Democratic Party and Joe Biden's yang.
Offering up a deft hand while at the same time seeing to the work at hand.
Sadly, I think Speaker Mike Johnson fell ill to the Mario Cuomo indium of old….
…and that dear friends is much of the problem with Permanent Washington and New York City Media Marketeers these days!
And I know and I get bipartisanship and deal(s) making(s), the backslapping and highfiving of American Political Life, but such is far more costly and problematic to the greater good across the American Landscape.
Last night, and just to wrap things up here, I caught a video from The Kennedy-Shanahan 2024 Independent Presidential and Vice Presidential Campaign, and the whole thing really struck me, but one thing in particular stands alone and it was when Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. spoke about his seven children, presumably which are a majority of young adults.
And I want you to watch this video, it's not very long at all, but pay close attention to the ending.
It's from a recent interview that he did with CNN's Erin Burnett on her OutFront program. Watch ⬇️
Where's are American Dream? Late, great funny man George Carlin famously quipped of the American Dream in this way: “It's called, “the American Dream" because you have to be asleep [and dreaming] in order to believe it….”
And though cynical that may be, both queries can be true, because we've all become so cynical and desensitized of one another and that's because we're missing out or being made to miss out on our slice of normalcy and human decency, empathy, sympathy and compassion for each other, so much so in fact, that one day, soon, our children will come to us and rightly inquire, “hey Mom, hey Dad where's our American Dream? Where's our little bit of heaven here on planet earth? Because we're looking all around for what you guys and Grandma and Grandpa promised us all so very long ago, but it's nowhere to be found because it doesn't even really exist now does it?”