Kids In Need of Desks (KIND)
It's that time of year again! MSNBC'S Lawrence O'Donnell goes to Malawi to give kids desks. Any KIND Fund for the USA's School-Age Kids?
According to MSNBC'S Lawrence O'Donnell makes a whopping five million dollars a year for hosting his five night a week, out of four actually because he takes Friday night's off after the strain of four long days prior, program,
Every year, at this time though Larry O'Donnell packs a few bags for The Country of Malawi in Southeast Africa, and with representatives from UNICEF -- The United Nation’s International Children's Emergency Fund passes out desks to reportedly impoverished children there who can't afford to attend school in Malawi because the schools there are allowed to charge kids and their families for any formal education.
Now, admittedly, all I know about the KIND Fund and what O'Donnell has to say about the program and what he tells his viewers, of which I am one, to donate to the fund, particularly on Giving Tuesday every year, since way back in 2010, is what he tells me!
And year after year and end over end Larry O'Donnell packs a few bags for Malawi and comes back with plenty of; good news, photos and video vignettes featuring these Malawian School and College age kids in uniforms and ready to take on the World because Happy Uncle Larry and some UNICEF Reps brought me a desk, goody!
To be sure I'm not denying these kids an opportunity at a decent education because they got a desk, BUT I do wonder, where's the KIND Fund for the USA?
These kids are our future are they not?
It's a KIND and decent thing for Lawrence O'Donnell to go and hand out desks and funds to Malawian School and College Kids. It's important for them to have a future through as many educational opportunities as possible, BUT so to is it for American School and College Kids as well!
They deserve all the future and more. Yet year after year and end over end Larry O'Donnell hits it for Malawi for fear that another Malawian Kid be without boy! Those kids must have desks. Nevermind the simplest of Nation Building gestures that would or could go a long way if Larry O'Donnell and UNICEF put the exact same; love, care and effort into the education system for the USA!? He certainly could afford to do it. Five million dollars a year for a forty-six minute a night nightly news program, fourteen minutes total for advertisements, that's anything but in nightly news programming, is a small price to pay folks! The five million dollar a year late evening ‘News’ Man could most-certainly afford it.
BUT, and I guess, Malawi and the beleaguered there are what sticks closer to his heart than his own fellow Americans, no? The beleaguered here? That matters not! That's what we have taxes for right? A nickel to a hole in a donut American Educator Jaime Escalante is rolling over in his grave right now.