"Dynamite" Bob Chambliss called, and he wants his 'Domestic Terrorist' Title back!
How the FBI and ATF lucked up on the biggest domestic stockpile of man-made explosives in their respective law enforcement histories.

By a show of hands, how many of you are following the breaking news over New Year’s weekend here about these terror attacks in New Orleans and Las Vegas, but in a particular piquant bit of interesting news, apparently, the FBI as well as the ATF raided the home of a Virginia Man and seized the largest cache of weapons and explosives in their respective agency histories?!

Because the more and more that I read about Mr. Bradley Kenneth Spafford the more I am reminded of another well-reported domestic terrorist named Robert Edward “Dynamite Bob” Chambliss of Alabama and Klu Klux Klan and Civil Rights Movements Infamy.
Does anyone remember Dynamite Bob, as they called him in his day? I certainly do, from the reading and studying of Our American History! Chambliss and Spafford are ones to watch like the American War on Terror’s Most-Wanted Playing Cards! Remember those?

Those trading and playing cards were something to behold and to have them was like the ultimate in prize. Like having the real deal only far less hostile.
And now, like the world’s most wanted on that deck of cards the FBI has their man, Bradley Kenneth Spafford. Now what?

For me, personally, these things are merely a dry run for something else, something bigger. You’ve got these unmanned ariel drones flying over New Jersey. All these Chinese Spy Balloons from 2023. All these Trump Assassination attempts in 2024. And then these dry runs in Las Vegas and New Orleans — reportedly done by fellow Americans and United States Army Veterans.
Its a sign and a bat signal of things to come folks! BE YE PREPARED. GET PREPARED FOR THE DAYS OF RECKONING. The Good Lord watches out for fools, infants and children, pretty much in that order, and thank God for that, but He also helps those who help themselves and others. Face facts folks the police, the law enforcement community period, these days ain’t gonna do nothing, but look at the happening from afar. Like its a fireworks display on a New Year’s Night. Nothing! Ooo look at the pretty blood splatter. Means zilch, folks! Zilch, that your Community’s Finest is on the job.
But to a person or persons who’s prepared for things just like this, a Good Guy and a Good Girl with a Gun can easily stop a Bad Guy and a Bad Girl with a gun. Defend your home and family folks! Get ready. Something much, much bigger is on its way. TRUST AND BELIEVE YE ME. AMEN.