You could have knocked me over with a feather when I heard this news from out of Atlanta the other day, where a sitting member of State Government was dutifully kept from entering the State House Chamber there in order to attend a State of the State Address by Georgia's Governor Brian Kemp.
The video itself is both chilling and angrily disturbing to me!
Why was State Senator Colton Moore DENIED ACCESS and then summarily arrested and hauled off to jail by State Police and other officialdom? The short answer is that its the silly season of American political life that's almost always upon us. The long answer is that Colton Moore deeply offends his fellow Georgia State GOP lawmakers and the political power players of Greater Georgia because he dares to call a spade a spade and do the job that he was duly elected to do!
Near as I can figure it is, is that the Old Guard down there is Supremely Pissed Off and Mad at the World and Colton Moore because he dared to publicly denigrate one of their own.
“House Speaker Jon Burns, R-Newington, banned Moore from the House floor last March after the far-right senator from Northwest Georgia made disparaging remarks about the late Speaker David Ralston […]” — from the Columbus Dispatch
Something is supremely wrong and continues to be wrong under the Golden Dome of Georgia Politics folks! And it starts with Georgia Governor Brian Kemp and Georgia Speaker of the House Jon Burns. I could go on, but for the sake of time and arguments I’ll limit myself to the further discussion of these two gentlemen and one Fani T. Willis, Fulton County District Attorney, and her continued frivolous pursuits of Donald Trump for the 2020 Election in the State of Georgia.
These three misfits of political science and their ilktom continue to harass, harangue and interdict the Trump Agenda, Trump Supporters and Donald Trump himself out of a loathsome fear of misunderstanding and the clear and present danger of Trump Derangement Syndrome or TDS! They cannot help themselves. Call it a nervous tic. But every time Donald Trump, MAGA or the America First Movement nears they start looking for the exits or pretending like they were never there in the first place to see it or they’ll try and stand and fight it off somehow in hopes that we will all just shut up and go away. Not likely convict!
It is moves and movements of desperation and the efforts of a guilty conscience catching up to them that EXPOSES AND HUMILITATES THEM FOR THE FRAUDS AND CHARLITANS THAT THEY ALL TRULY ARE.
And, for better or worse these are the ringleaders of the efforts in Georgia. Anything and everything for America and her People to remain in their place and contend with the too few scraps, already, that we get from government in the name of doing something to better you and me — which is anything but!
These events that transpired the other day reminded me of the crap that they did in Tennessee with the Tennessee Three (politicians) ... a couple of years ago! Remember that mess?
IF we continue to allow who we elect to be bullied and intimidated or kept from doing the simple job of attending a State of the State Address what does that say for our future as a country and as a people? Whether you agree or not this kind of thing MUST BE STOPPED BUTT-COLD IN ITS TRACKS before it metastasizes and spreads across our great homeland like a cancer. Folks who govern MUST be able to do so without fear or favor, prejudice or animus towards them simply because we disagree with where they stand on the issues of the day.
NOW, its my understanding, as of this writing, that Georgia Speaker of the House Burns has backed down on his public banning of State Senator Moore and will allow him back in the House Chamber to future events and functions, “without an apology [for Moore’s disparaging remarks against a now deceased fellow lawmaker] …” But it is interesting to me, very interesting, that it took him as long as it did to say, “hey, I screwed up here, forgive me!?”
This kind of thing can’t happen again. And if it does it must be immediately exposed and called out for the hypocritical and silly seasoned bullshit that it truly is.